Till today, I am still feeling grateful for the internship opportunity at OpenMinds. If I were to use 3 words to summarize my entire internship experience, it would be IMPACTFUL, MEMORABLE and FUN!

I was extremely lucky to be surrounded by young and talented people here; this is where I am motivated to keep learning and become a better me. Everyone here was so helpful and supportive in guiding me. They have never hesitated in teaching me everything that they know. OpenMinds has given me multiple chances to explore and handle various tasks in different teams. The guidance given by each and everyone here allowed me to find my strengths and weaknesses; also pushed me out of my comfort zone. Words can’t express how excited I was waking up daily to start working and learning new things. There was not a day that I didn’t feel like going to the office.

Although it is just a short 3-month internship programme, I had my best time in OpenMinds and never once regretted my choice. I have learnt and grown a lot within this period. It has been a great ride, thank you OpenMinds!